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1. Bible teaching for all ages Sundays at 9:45AM
2. Memorial Day Picnic in May
3. Youth Events
4. Men's & Ladies' Special Events:
Prayer Breakfasts, May Ladies' Tea Event & a Christmas Fellowship
5. Men's Bible Study - Wednesdays at 7PM, meeting at the church
6. Ladies' Bible Study - Wednesdays at 7PM, meeting at the church
7. Ladies' Bible Study - Fridays at 10:30 AM, meeting at the church
8. Singspiration
9. Widows' Help Days annually
10. Soulwinning Outreach - Saturdays: meet at the church at 10:00AM
11. Vacation Bible School
12. Christmas Caroling
13. Church workdays
14. Annual Thanksgiving Banquet in November
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