Elmira Baptist Church's
New Building Project

work continues april - september 2021

The vision of Elmira Baptist church began with prayer. Believing God had brought this congregation together to do His work, we sought the LORD for ways to accommodate all the folks joining us for worship blessings each week. With our existing auditorium filled to capacity we agreed to remodel, remove pews, and add additional rows of chairs. This helped but did not solve the problem for more space, more classes, and more parking. We found Isaiah 54:2 that spoke to the heart of our need, "Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth … thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes."
We want to claim this verse for our own and build a worship facility to accommodate 200 people. Also, we want to add classrooms, offices, restrooms, and a foyer that is large enough for welcoming our guests. Growth has come to Elmira with new housing right down the road from our church. We want to be ready to share the love of Christ with all the folks that come our way. Yes, this is a great undertaking for us, yet God has made it abundantly clear that He will meet our need if we have faith as a green mustard seed. We have already spent half a million dollars connecting to utilities, doing site work, and pouring a foundation. We have raised another quarter of a million dollars to start the next stage of the project. And all this without incurring any debt.
After a brief respite as we raised more money, now is the time to move forward on completing the project. God has provided the funding, the construction supervisor, a general contractor, and the energy to see this project through to the end. We are excited to see what God will do to complete the project that He laid on our hearts. Thank you for your partnership with Elmira Baptist Church as we press on to a completed building.
Rejoicing in hope,
Pastor Scott Dean and the Building Team